Cost Of Inquiry Rises With Prospect Of Revelations Having spent $1.7 million on the Bastarache inquiry into the obvious fact that judges are appointed by politicians who reward their friends, the estimated final cost is now $6 million....

Embarassing Judicial Appointment–manitoba-judge-featured-on-porn-website-report-says?bn=1 Previous rants in this category have discussed the controversy arising from allegations  of improper political influence on judicial appointments in...

Harper On The Right Track This Time As the nation awaits the imminent publication of the report of  yet  another multi million dollar public inquiry into a...

Mulroney:Let Common Sense Prevail The Criminal Code provides: “131(1) Perjury Subject to subsection (3), every one commits perjury who, with intent to mislead, makes before a person who is authorized by law to permit it...

Brian Mulroney: Trial By Public Inquiry

Criminal lawyers in Montreal and elsewhere must wish their clients could also be tried by $14 million public inquiries whose terms of reference prevent delving into what is obviously the essence of the matter being inquired into. It has now been determined that  Mr....